Cartella Let's color our city

Let's color our city


Who doesn't want to see our city all colored with love, instead of being "gray" because of the lack of love, making many people lonely and sad. If we bring people together like in a family, everyone will be happy and will experience that we are all brothers and sisters.We all want to do something, but what can we do and where do we begin? A simple rule would be enough to change the world. It is contained in the holy books of all the major religions because it is a rule which is written deep in the heart of every human being: do to others what you would have them do to you and do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. This rule is so important and precious that it has been called the Golden Rule. Let's try to live it, starting with the person right next to us in this very moment.


pdf Golden rule ( pdf, 894 KB ) (9434 download) Popolari

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